Text field

The gameface-text-field is part of the Gameface custom components suite. As most of the components in this suite, it uses slots to allow dynamic content.


npm i coherent-gameface-text-field

Usage with UMD:

<script src="./node_modules/coherent-gameface-text-field/dist/text-field.production.min.js"></script>
  • add the gameface-text-field component to your HTML:
<gameface-text-field type="text"></gameface-text-field>

This is all! Load the file in Gameface to see the text field.

Usage with JavaScript:

If you wish to import the TextField using JavaScript you can remove the script tag and import it like this:

import { TextField } from 'coherent-gameface-text-field';

or simply

import 'coherent-gameface-text-field';

Note that this approach requires a module bundler like Webpack or Rollup to resolve the modules from the node_modules folder.

Text field attributes

Attributes are used for configuration when the gameface-text-field component is initialized like <gameface-text-field type="password"></gameface-text-field> that will display text field for typing a password inside.

Common attributes

AttributeRequiredAccepted valuesDefault valueUsage
typeNotext, password, email, number, search, urltextUsed to specify the text field type. More about the text field type you can check in the next section.
valueNoStrings''Used to specify the default value of the text field.
disabledNoN/AN/AUsed to specify if the text field is disabled. If it is then its value could not be selected or edited.
readonlyNoN/AN/AUsed to specify if the text field is read only. If it is then its value could not be edited but can be selected.
labelNoStrings''Used to specify the label of the text field.
placeholderNoStrings''Used to specify the placeholder of the text field that will be displayed when the value is empty.
control-disabledNoN/АN/AUsed to specify hide the control when the type of the text field is search or number.


text-field-control-disabled attribute has been changed to control-disabled.

The next attributes are working with all the <gameface-text-field> types without the number type.

AttributeRequiredAccepted valuesDefault valueUsage
maxlengthNoStrings that are valid numbersN/AUsed to specify the maximum symbols from the text field the can be typed.
minlengthNoStrings that are valid numbersN/AUsed to specify the minimum symbols from the text field the can be typed.

The next attributes are working just when the gameface-text-field type is number.

AttributeRequiredAccepted valuesDefault valueUsage
minNoStrings that are valid numbersN/AUsed to specify the numerical lower limit of the text field. The number control won’t overstep the lower limit when it is used.
maxNoStrings that are valid numbersN/AUsed to specify the numerical upper limit of the text field. The number control won’t overstep the upper limit when it is used.
stepNoStrings that are valid numbers1Used to specify the step of the text field that will be done when the number control is used.

Text field types

The type of the text field is defined by the type attribute.

  • text - The text field will accept any string input.
  • password - The text field will accept any string input but it will be masked with the * character.
  • email - The text field will accept any string input. When the text field is used inside a gameface-form-control component it will be validated on submit if its value is a valid email (a string that includes the @ symbol).
  • url - The text field will accept any string input. When the text field is used inside a gameface-form-control component it will be validated on submit if its value is a valid url.
  • search - The text field will accept any string input. The text field will display additional control (cross button) that can be used to clear the input value.
  • number - The text field will accept any number input. The text field will display additional control (arrow up and down) that can be used to increase/decrease the value with the step specified. By default, the arrows will change the value with step that is 1. The number type does not support the e symbol!

Input events to a gameface text input

You can add input specific events directly to the gameface-text-field element like input, change, focus, blur by the addEventListener interface.

Change gameface text field attributes runtime

You can change all the attributes from the tables above (common attributes, text type related attributes, number type related attributes) runtime and they will take effect over the text-field behavior. For example you can change the type of the text-field via the type attribute value:

const textField = document.querySelector('gameface-text-field');
textField.setAttribute('type', 'number');
textField.setAttribute('value', '10'); // You can also set a new value of the text-field like this.

Change gameface text field properties programmatically

To change runtime the type of the text field for example you can:

  1. Get the text field element like const textField = document.querySelector('gameface-text-field').
  2. Change the type like textField.type = 'password'.

All the available properties that can be changed runtime are:

  • type - will change the text field’s type. textField.type = 'number'.
  • value - will change the text field’s value. textField.value = 'some different value'.
  • disabled - will enable/disable the text field. textField.disabled = true will disable the field and textField.disabled = false will enable it again.
  • readonly - will make the text field readonly. textField.readonly = true will make the field readonly and textField.readonly = false will enable it again.
  • label - will change the text field’s label. textField.label = 'User name:'.
  • placeholder - will change the text field’s placeholder. textField.placeholder = 'Type your username here'.
  • controlDisabled - will hide/show text field control for type - search and number. textField.controlDisabled = true will hide the control and textField.controlDisabled = false will show the control.
  • maxlength - will change the max length of the text field. textField.maxlength = 10.
  • minlength - will change the min length of the text field. textField.minlength = 2.
  • max - will change the maximum limit of the text field when the type is number. textField.max = 10.
  • min - will change the minimum limit of the text field when the type is number. textField.min = 1.
  • step - will change the step of the text field when the type is number. textField.step = 0.5.


inputControlDisabled property has been changed to controlDisabled.


You can check the demo.html where can be found a lot of examples with the gameface-text-field. There you can find:

  • How to use all the available gameface-text-field attributes.
  • How to customize the default gameface-text-field elements.
  • How to use events with gameface-text-field.