Accordion menu

The accordion-menu is part of the Gameface custom components suite. As most of the components in this suite it uses slots to allow dynamic content.


npm i coherent-gameface-accordion-menu

Usage with UMD:

<script src="./node_modules/coherent-gameface-accordion-menu/dist/accordion-menu.production.min.js"></script>
  • add the gameface-accordion-menu component to your html along with the gameface-accordion-panel, gameface-accordion-header and gameface-accordion-content:

This is all! Load the file in Gameface to see the accordion-menu.

Usage with JavaScript:

If you wish to import the AccordionMenu using JavaScript you can remove the script tag and import it like this:

import { AccordionMenu } from 'coherent-gameface-accordion-menu';

or simply

import 'coherent-gameface-accordion-menu';

Note that this approach requires a module bundler like Webpack or Rollup to resolve the modules from the node_modules folder.

Add the styles

<link rel="stylesheet" href="coherent-gameface-components-theme.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">

To overwrite the default styles, simply create new rules for the class names that you wish to change and include them after the default styles.

Load the HTML file in Gameface to see the accordion-menu.

How to use

To use the accordion-menu component add the following element to your html


To add panels that will expand on click you need to add gameface-accordion-panel.

<gameface-accordion-menu >
    <gameface-accordion-panel slot="accordion-panel">
        <gameface-accordion-header>Long Text</gameface-accordion-header>
            Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Eius, in! At nesciunt earum ea deserunt architecto animi quod
            neque dicta asperiores. Error aliquid facilis hic in culpa quisquam temporibus aliquam. 

You can add a gameface-accordion-panel for each panel in the accordion menu, it needs to contain a gameface-accordion-header and gameface-accordion-content components to display properly. The gameface-accordion-header is the part of the panel that is always visible and the gameface-accordion-content is hidden and gets expanded.


You can use the following attributes to customize the accordion-menu

multipleBooleanfalseIf you can expand multiple panels at once

You can also add the following attributes to the gameface-accordion-panel

disabledBooleanfalseIf the panel is disabled. You can’t expand or shrink disabled panels
expandedBooleanfalseIf the panel is expanded on load


You can change the attributes mentioned above runtime via setAttribute, removeAttribute or with JavaScript.

For example we can change the multiple of accordion menu like that

const accordionMenu = document.querySelector('gameface-accordion-menu');
// If we want to enable multiple of the accordion menu
accordionMenu.setAttribute('multiple', ''); 
// or
accordionMenu.multiple = true;
// And if we want to disable the multiple of the accordion menu
// or
accordionMenu.multiple = false;

Note that when disabling the multiple functionality of the accordion-menu and there are more than one accordion-panels expanded then it will close all of them if are not disabled and leave just the first one expanded.

You can change the disabled and expanded attributes of the accordion-panel in the similar way as above.

const accordionPanel = document.querySelector('gameface-accordion-panel');
// If we want to disable the accordion panel
accordionPanel.setAttribute('disabled', ''); 
// or
accordionPanel.disabled = true;
// And if we want to enable the accordion panel
// or
accordionPanel.disabled = false;
// If we want to expand the accordion panel
accordionPanel.setAttribute('expanded', ''); 
// or
accordionPanel.expanded = true;
// If we want to collapse the accordion panel
// or
accordionPanel.expanded = false;